Monday, August 15, 2011

now you see it, now you don't

I'm convinced that spiders are going to take over the world... at least my world.

To understand why, you must first read a post I made 2 years ago...
***I hate spiders. In fact, I loathe them with every conscious and unconscious part of my body. These past few weeks have brought me MANY encounters with these unfriendly spiders. I'm quite positive that they're out to get me, they know what I've done to their other spider friends, and they're determined to make me pay. It has been soo littered with spiders in my bedroom, that I have taken to sleeping on the couch upstairs.

Every evening, I tell my parents what HORRIBLE things have happened to me. I don't want them to be selfish and get all the enjoyment of my spider tales, and so I share to the rest of the world.

I will begin relating my series of spider events for your horror. I won't reveal my past encounters, which were far worse than any of my future encounters may be, but will begin with the occurrence last night.

I'm minding my own business, just getting ready for bed. I brush my teeth, wash my face...the usual. I'm going to the other side of the bathroom, and peek in the I always do thanks to my paranoia...and there's a spider on the shower floor! I grabbed my 1 inch thick flipflop that stays in the bathroom specifically to kill spiders, and *SMACK* I killed the spider! This is the grossest part....shield your eyes and turn off your computer now if you must...

Three or four spider legs were on the bathroom floor while the rest of the spider was on the bottom of my shoe. Two of the spider legs in the shower were violently twitching! There was no body attached! It was just two floating spider legs tremoring and twitching! I was utterly shocked! But really I didn't care. I was just glad the spider was dead. Quinette-1. Spider-oh that's right. You're dead!

To prove the spider population problem in my room, I'm posting my spider trap. This amount is nowhere near the amount that I've already killed in my room. And because spiders are so disturbing, these spiders are all dead!***

Disturbing right? Spiders have been coming after me for years.
I recently moved. In the process of unpacking, I found a little moth, dead and fallen, in the crack between the floor and baseboard. "Eh, I'll vacuum it up later." That evening, 5 spiders were killed... one in the shower, sneaky little bug, and one on the bathroom floor. I don't touch dead spiders... they crunch and they're gross. So... "Eh, I'll vacuum it up later."

Killed another spider the next evening. Sprayed it to death with my hairspray. Also noticed that the moth is gone..? That's weird. I sure know I didn't pick it up... "Oh well. Maybe someone else got it."

Morning. Walk into the bathroom to primp for the day. Spider is gone!! Positive that when a spider has been in a ball with it's legs folded up for a day and a half, it's dead. Don't think Spider flipped over and walked away. I KNOW no one cleaned up Spider.

Conclusion: There's a man-eating spider living amongst me. He started with a moth. He moved to his own kind. He's coming after me next.


  1. We WERE going to stay at mom and dad's house, but now seeing all those spiders, hotel is looking pretty good. Actually with Gabby coming in for conference, we might be hitting the living room floor. :)

  2. That is so NASTY!!!!! I soooooo hate spiders. I had a giant one in the shower on Sunday and Hailey (my 7 year old) had to kill it for me, I know, I'm pathetic. Good luck not getting eaten!

  3. the arachnophobe in me just had a panic attack looking at that picture.
